Wednesday, December 31, 2014

the beginning

I love New Year's resolutions.  I always make them.  Some stick, some don't, but I love the hope that I begin each year with.  Maybe this year I will be better, accomplish more, become more of the person I want to become.

The other day, I was blow drying my hair and thinking through what I want to resolve to do in 2015.  I thought of a few things, and as the thoughts collected in my brain, it all came circling back to this: I want to be a happier me in 2015.  Yes, I am happy now.  However, in my own little corner of chaos, I have a lot of things I'd like to be doing differently to make my life better.  Each goal I have comes from a different facet of my life and things I'd like to improve.

It feels kind of selfish when I think of what I'm trying to do here.  My goal is to do things that will make me a happier person.  It's incredibly self centered.  In doing this, I hope to fill my metaphorical cup and in turn be able to scatter sunshine and goodness to those around me instead of feeling most days that I am scraping the bottom of the barrel.  I hope to write about the things I'm working on and document the progress and, hopefully, the changes that come about in my life.